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Bronx Traffic Violation Lawyer

A Bronx Traffic Violation Lawyer from Lead Counsel has the experience and skill to help you protect your license and driving record from the harsh penalties that can result from a traffic ticket. Our attorneys have defended thousands of drivers facing traffic tickets, including speeding, reckless driving and distracted driving violations. Our clients benefit from our years of trial experience in the courts of New York and New Jersey.

The city of the Traffic Violation Lawyer Bronx is a booming, active borough that is home to many businesses and people on the go. The busy streets and highways of this urban area make it easy for people to lose track of their speeds, especially if they are traveling at highway rates. Speeding is the most common reason that police officers write tickets to drivers in the Bronx. A single ticket for going 10 mph over the limit can cost a driver hundreds of dollars in fines, surcharges and points that can raise insurance premiums and cause driving privileges to be suspended.

Disobeying a traffic control device is another common way that people are stopped for a traffic violation in the Bronx. These include traffic signals, signs, markings and devices placed “for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.” This is an area where people often get ticketed even though technology in vehicles has made it easier to pay attention to the road while driving.

Running a red light or failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign are other reasons that the NYPD can ticket drivers in the Bronx. These violations are usually misdemeanors that must be contested in the Bronx Criminal Court, rather than the Traffic Violation Bureau (TVB) as is true of some other New York city jurisdictions.

The TVB has one of the highest conviction rates in the state and, without an attorney, more than 96% of the time that someone is found guilty at a hearing they are going to be required to pay their fines. Most people find that it is more beneficial to fight a traffic ticket with the help of an experienced Bronx Traffic Lawyer.

Most people think that fighting a traffic ticket means taking the day off to sit in court all day, but an attorney can handle most of the work for you while saving you time and money in the process. Attorneys know the law and have spent years picking apart officer testimonies to demonstrate when they do not meet the burden of proof required for a conviction.

Our traffic attorneys are independently verified and checked to ensure that they are licensed to practice law in the state of New York. They have extensive experience handling cases that involve felony and misdemeanor traffic violations. Our attorneys are also members of the New York Bar Association and have a clean disciplinary record. Use our free online search tool to locate a Traffic Violation Lawyer in the Bronx who is available to assist you with your case.

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